To view my YouTube video Chaya Lipschutz To view my TV Interview,
on Kidney Donation, click here About Myself "KidneyMatchmaker" click here
"You Remain a Beacon of Light In A Dark World, And You're Setting a Standard for People Everywhere." - NY Assemblyman Richard Brodsky in a letter he wrote me. To read the letter, click here (Assemblyman Brodsky's personal info was removed from this letter before I scanned this letter and put it here on this website
“I Can’t Begin To Thank You Enough For All Your Help And Support During This Whole Process. You Have Been With Me Since Day One. And Your Support Has Been Amazing……”- Margery Lipenski, kidney donor,from one of my kidney matches
"I Am Always Impress With all The Good You Do for So Many People"
- Linda Small, former Executive Director, National Kidney Foundation of Southern California & Executive Director of the Ann & George Lopez Foundation
"The Doctors Would Not Be Able To Do This Great Work Without Help From People Like You. So Thank You for Your Support & Outreach" - NY Presbytarian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center. They posted this on their website on their video on kidney donation.
"She's enthusiastic, and she puts her heart into everything she does" Marion Charleton, Living Donor Coordinator, Hackensack Medical Center,
"Lipschutz is truly passionate about working with recipients and donors. She's helping other people and not making any money off it, She does it purely because she wants to help." - Dr. Stuart Greenstein, Professor of Surgery. Monteiore Medical Center
"You Continue To Go Above & Beyond To Help Others In Need. Thank You For Helping So Many People, Including Myself And Our Transplant Team With Spreading The Message Of Living Kidney Donation! You're The Best!" - - Dr. Joseph Del Pizzo, Associate Professor of Urology & Transplantation Surgery ,Weill Cornell Medical College
"Thank You Very Much For Your Support And Help! I Appreciate It Very Very Much. It Was A Great Pleasure To Work With You." - e-mail I received from Polina Katz,kidney donor coordinator, Ichelov-Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. Israel
"Chaya Lipschutz, The Kidney Matchmaker"
This Interview, has more info about myself. For the article, click here.
"Thank You For The Wonderful Work You Do For Our Patients And For All Donors And Recipients Around The Country Whom You Have Helped! - e-mail I received from Rhonda Hutley, Living Donor Coordinator, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
"Health Hero" Prevention Magazine
"You are doing wonderful work, keep it up! "- Dr. Michael Edye, former adjunct Professor of Surgery/Transplant Surgeon, Mt. Sinai hospital, NYC
"The Health Warrior" - Ami Magazine
"Donating a kidney was the greatest experience of my life - if I can do it again, I would do it again tomorrow" - Chaya
An award I received from Kings County(NY) District Attorney Charles Hynes, at an Extraordinary Women Women of Brooklyn event
also... proclaimed
by NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind
To see official announcement, click here.
"Someone like Chaya is very special. There's is no one else helping find matches, or if they are, they're a broker and asking for money. She just wants to help people." Quote by Vanessa Evans who is in need of a kidney. For her interview iclick on "Bostonian Helped By KidneyMatchmaker"
My TV interview,
on News12 Brooklyn
Article that was written about me in
Prevention Magazine
For the article, click here.

Speaking at a Kidney Disease & Organ Transplantation Forum
at a public school, attended by government well. (For a speech that I gave at that event - which tells my story, click here.)
Keep Up The Good Work. It's important." - NY Assemblyman Richard Brodsky - in a letter he wrote to me. To read this letter, click here
Above is a taping of my call in to NY ASSEMBLYMAN DOV HIKIND's radio show.
Assemblyman Hikind commented on the show,
"I know Chaya. She is absolutely remarkable"
"I thought I would never find a donor, but when I heard from you it gave me
a lot of hope. I felt you were very genuine and sincere. I know in the
end my boyfriend donated his kidney, but I felt like you as a stranger at that
time was fighting for me made me realize that I had to fight also foranother chance in life" - Noy Louang,North Carlinoa, wrote this to me on Facebook
My interview on
NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind's Weekly Radio Show - WMCA, NY.
My radio interview about my Kidney Donation & my Kidney Matchmaking
on the Josh Hasten Show
- Voice of Israel
Below is a listing of my Letters to the Editor that were published in newspapers & magazines.
(Note: you can click below on each title & that will bring you to what I wrote that got published)
"Be Your Own Health Advocate" - Hamodia
"Kindness Of Strangers"
NY Daily News
"Incompatible Blood Types In
Kidney Donation"
"Lotta Love"
NY Daily News
"Dietary Advice"
NY Daily News-
"Stamp of Approval"
NY Daily News
"Salt In Our Wounds: Say
Goodbye To Freedom"
NY Post
"A Mayor Who Cares"
NY Daily News
"An Incomperable Gift" -
"A Kidney Matchmaker" -
Yated Ne'eman
"The Kidney Matchmaker" -
Five Towns Jewish Times -
"Saving Lives"
The Jewish Press
"In and Out"- NY Daily News
'It Takes One Kidney"
NewYork Magazine
"Spread Safety" - NY Daily News
"The Great Idealist" - Letter
written by someone else,
regarding myself -
The Jewish Press
Above is a taping of my call-in on the
MICHAEL SAVAGE radio program regarding my
kidney donation project

Awards I received from former Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes
& former Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz at the "Extraordinary Women of Brooklyn" event

I ended up donating a kidney to this person in this ad that was in a newspaper!

Picture of me at a booth I took to promote kidney donation, at an Expo - 3 months after my kidney donation in 2005.
Flier I had made up to promote kidney donation for the above booth at the Expo
(2 sided flier- click above to view)

Plaque I received from a grateful kidney recipient who's match I have made.
Sample Flier I had made up for a person In Need of A Kidney
Sample of Envelope I created & used mailings, to Promote Kidney Donation
(I have used similar ones to put in info on kidney donation and had hand out at events.)
NOTE: Click on each to view

Myself, with former NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg at his inauguration ceremony, January 1, 2005.
(I was a volunteer on both his re-election campaigns - in 2005 &2009)

Myself & NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind
who has been very supportive througout the years, of my work promoting kidney donation
Photo taken at a political breakfast he invited me to.

With NY Congressman Jerrold Nadler
Hi! Thanks for stopping by!
I am an Orthodox Jewish woman, from Brooklyn, NY who donated a kidney to a stranger. My goal is try to help as many people as possible, of all races and religions, who are in need of a kidney and to try to find kidney donors for as many people as possible. I hope through this website I would be able to encourage more altruistic living kidney donation
Why I decided to put together this website:
Since I donated a kidney to a stranger in September 2005 after seeing an ad in a newspaper for someone in need of a kidney, I kept seeing more ads placed by others who were in desperate need of a kidney. So I decided to start a project to help others in need of a kidney. (Later on, liver as well.) I first took out a booth at an Expo in New York City in December 2005 to promote kidney donation an educate the public. Since then, from time to time I post on the internet and hang up fliers seeking kidney donors. I have had many inquiries about kidney donation in the past and it was time consuming to keep sending requests for information. So now, my life is a little easier, referring people to this website where I have some info & stories about people who donated a kidney & liver, that can inspire others as well. Also, people had wanted to know more about myself & some wanted to make sure that I am legit. So having my own website, with all this information about myself & my project, legitimizes myself as well.
More about myself:
I had donated a kidney in September 2005 after seeing an ad in a weekly newspaper, called The Jewish Press. this ad was placed by the family of the person I ended up donating a kidney to. The ad said, "Please help save a Jewish life - New Jersey mother of 2 in dire need of a kidney. Whoever saves one life from Israel it is as if they saved an entire nation."
The hardest part of my kidney donation, was not the kidney donation itself. That was easy for me! The hardest part was keeping it back from my mother, not telling her that I was going to be donating a kidney! And I live with her - so it was more difficult. So I had to donate a kidney behind my mother's back! And she didn't find out until after I donated a kidney. But my plan worked out perfectly. In advance, I had arranged for another kidney donor, Feigy Guttman, to come to my mother's house, after I came out of surgery. And so Feigy came to my house and told my mother that she donated a kidney & said, by the way, your daughter (me) is in the More about that later.
Anyhow, since my kidney donation, I still continued to see more ads for people in need of a kidney. I felt like I didn't do enough and that I needed to do more to help the many others who are in desperate need of a kidney. So I first took out a booth to promote kidney donation at the Jewish Marketplace Expo which was a 3 day event held at the Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York City, in December 2005 - 3 months after my kidney donation.
Since then, many articles have been written about me including in Prevention Magazine - the leading monthly health magazine in the USA, as well as stories written about me in the New York Daily News, New York Post, Pittsburgh Tribute Review, former Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz's publication, former Assemblyman Dov Hikind's newsletter, as well as newspapers in Minnesota, New Jersey, Britian & Israel. An article that mentioned me in the Salt Lake Tribune - was a story about someone who heard me on the radio & ended up starting a kidney chain in which 7 people got a kidney!
I was also mentioned of the years on many TV news stories on a variety of TV stations in numerous states in the USA that had also done stories on my kidney & liver matches. One of the TV programs I was on, was a 1/2 hour TV special on organ donation called, "Giving Life: The Story of Organ Donation." (See home page, left side for the video of this TV news special.)
I have spoken publicly at well - at a Halachic Organ Donation Seminar at a synagogue in New Jersey in July 2006, as well as a Kidney Disease & organ Transplantation Forum in Brooklyn in November 2006 that was attended by government officials as well. For my speech, which tells my story as well, click here.
I have been on radio as well, including "This American Life" on NPR - twice. And I was on former NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind's weekly radio show on WMCA AM New York. Being on NPR, led to many people donating a kidney!
Since my kidney donation, my brother donated a kidney as well - to someone on my list of people who was in need of a kidney. And my nephew has since donated a kidney as well.
I post from time to time on the internet seeking kidney donors on websites such as Facebook, Craigs List, Yahoo groups & other internet groups, which have all resulted in kidney donations. I also had kidney matches as a result of fliers I hung up for people in need of a kidney.
I don't get paid for making matches, and don't charge a fee. Just like my kidney donation was altruistic so is my kidney & liver matchmaking. No one who donates an organ through me gets paid.
How did I come up with my title as a matchmaker? Jordan Lite, who was a medical reporter for the New York Daily News, had interviewed for for an article she was writing & had given me the title of "Kidney Matchmaker." After she gave me this title I thought, hmmm, maybe that is what I am! So since then I have been using the title! Thanks Jordan, for the crowning!
If one decides to donate a kidney to a stranger, I suggest that one question the person first to find out if they have any family members who can donate a kidney. When someone in need of a kidney or liver contacts me & asks me to find a donor for them, I first question them to find out if they had any family members who can donate to them. And if they have a family member who is not a match & healthy enough to donate, I suggest that they get that family member to go into a kidney swap program at their hospital. And for liver - there are some hospitals that have liver swap programs as well.
I have accumulated a list of people in need of a kidney & liver.. People from all over the USA & people outside the country as well, have contacted me asking me to find an organ donor for them. My goal is to help save as many lives lives as possible.
If you are interested in donating a kidney or part of your liver, please feel free to contact me- (917) 627-8336. E-mail Or you can contact me through the Contact tab on this website. I would be happy to give any information needed. No obligation. This website it currently under construction. In the future, you will be able to click on the "Donate A Kidney" tab or the "or Donate Liver" tab on this website for more information - such as requirements, the process, etc
Below is a listing of articles/shows pertaining to me & my matches.
Thank you so much for visiting my website! Have a great day!
Best regards,
Chaya Lipschutz
Kidney Donor and Kidney & Liver Matchmake
Certified NY State Citizen Public Health Leader
P.S. If you ever come across links that don't work - or notice any typos - would appreciate if you can let me know. Thanks!.
Some of the stories that were written about myself, articles about kidney matches that I made, or people who I have inspired to donate a kidney:
Note: click on the title of each story, to view.
"California teacher Saved Two Strangers' Lives Through Transplant Donations" - Gift of Life Marrow Registry - October 22, 2024
"A Truly Inspirational Story of Tom O'Driscoll: The Man Who Has Donated His Organs to Two Strangers" - Michael Berry Show - March 21, 2023
"Donor for Life" - The Jewish Press - February 3, 2023
"Woman Donates Kidney to a Total Stranger, Thanks To Thanks to Lifesaving Matchmaker." - ABC-TV News - February 6, 2023
"Maryland Donates Kidney to a Total Stranger, Saves Life of Brooklyn Woman" - ABC-TV News - January 6, 2023
"Md. Woman Donates Kidney to Stranger After Seeing Request on Email Group - The Washington Post - December 25, 2022
Kill Devil Hills Woman Searching For Kidney Donor" -The Coastland Times - North Carolina - December 2, 2021. Note: I was inerviewed for this story on behalf of this woman who needs a kidney.
"A Tale of Two Kidneys And An Unlikely Friendship" - - November 2021
"Philly Nurse To Give Gift of Life By Donating Kidney To Total Stranger" -Fox News, Philadelphia - Oct. 26, 2020
"Local Nurse Donating Her Kidney To A Complete Stranger" - NBC News, Philadelphia - Oct. 26, 2020
"Thanks to Kidney Chain, Bronx Man Finally Getting Badly Needed Transplant" - CBS News, NY - Oct. 21, 2020
"Meet Kidney Donor Athlete Sophia!" - Kidney Donor Athletes - July 23, 2020
"Blood & Organ Donor Saving the Lives Of Strangers" - CBS Evening News - February 12, 2020
.Sunnyvale Organ Donor Has Half A Liver And A Very Big Heart" - San Francisco Chronicle - January 25, 2020
"California Man Donates Liver To Rabbi He Doesn't Know" -Jerusalem Post - January 23, 2020
"California Man Donates His Liver To Man in Pittsburgh" - WTAE - January 16, 2020
Sunnyvale Man, A Serial Organ Donor, Gives Liver To Rabbi He Doesn’t Know" - The Jewish News of Northern California - January 14, 2020
"Upper West Side Mom Gets Gift Of Life From Complete Stranger" - New York Post - October 7, 2019
"The Rare Good Samartians Who Donated Organs Twice" - Wall Street Journal - October 1, 2019
"Saving A Life And Saving A World"- Yated Ne'eman - April 19, 2019.
"Selfless Rabbi Saves 2 Lives A Decade Apart With Organ Donations" - New York Post - January 9, 2019
"Teaneck Rabbi Donates Kidney - Then Donates His Liver Too" - North - January 10, 2019
NOTE: This article appeared on many news sites throughout the USA. It was also picked up by Associated Press. -
"Rare Kindness: Kidney Donor Rabbi Now Donates His Liver" - - January 1, 2019
" Woman Will Get Life-Saving Transplant Thanks To Stranger" - Local 10 (ABC) - January 1, 2018
"The Health Warrior // Chaya Lipschutz's Passion For Saving Lives" - Ami Magazine - December 13, 2017
"Woman Meets Her Organ Donor Outside Synagogue Services" - - November 30, 2017
"Washington Heights Rabbi Donates Kidney to Queens Woman" - The Jewish Press - September 5, 2017 - For the article, click here
"Summer Well Spent - NY Rabbi Saves A Life" - Yated Ne'eman - September 5, 2017, For the article, click here.
"Jewish Kidney Matchmaker Unites New York Rabbi Donor With Needy Recipient" - Algemeiner - July 27, 2017
"Uptown Rabbi Donating A Kidney To A Stranger" - NY Daily News - July 25, 2017
"Where Do You Find A Liver?" - Yated Ne'eman - September 27, 2015 - (article not on this newspaper's website)
"Upstate Woman Saves Brooklyn Man’s Life With Kidney" - CBS-TV News - NY - September 18, 2015
"This Woman Is Donating Her Kidney To Save A Complete Stranger’s Life" - New York Post - Sept. 17, 2015 (This story was also covered by Fox TV news.)
"Madison Man Donates Organ In Historic Surgery" -WISC-TV - August 23, 2015. Website:
"Giving While Living: Liver Donation Saves Monsey Mom" - The Jewish Press - August 5, 2015
“A Jewish Kidney Saves A Jewish Life - Atlanta Woman’s Living Donation Creates Forever Bond With Former Stranger" - Atlanta Jewish Times - January 23, 2015
"Save A Life!" - The Lakewood Shopper - August 1, 2014
"The Human Spirit: When One Good Deed Leads To Another" - The Jerusalem Post - August 1, 2013.
"Donate A Kidney To Save Your Life" - The Jewish Press - June 28, 2013
j"Chaya Lipschutz, The Kidney Matchmaker" - - January 5, 2012
"Jewish Action Article Inspires Greatest Gift Of All, On Chanukah - A Kidney" - Orthodox Union - Dec. 22, 2011
"Judaism motivates Cherry Hill Woman To Donate Kidney To Brooklyn Girl"- Jewish Community Voice - November 16, 2011
"Cherry Hill Woman Donating Kidney To Teen" - Courier Post (NJ) - November 1, 2011
"Brooklyn Teen Sofia Manfredi Finds Kidney Match, Donor On Web" - New York Daily News - October 30, 2011
"Meet The Kidney Matchmaker" - Jewish Action Magazine - Winter 2010. Website: (I have made many more kidney matches, then stated in this article)
"Donating My Kidney" - - May 2011
"How 'This American Life' Saved A Life'' - Wellsphere - June 24, 2010 (Note: Website no longer exists)
''Another Chaya Lipschutz Success Story; Massive 14 Person Kidney Exchange" - Jewish Braking News.wordpress - August 12, 2009 (Note No longer on the web.
"Lifesaving Websites Match Patients To Living Donors" - Get Inside Health - July 24, 2009. (This website is no longer in existence.)
"Who We Admire - Health Hero" - Prevention Magazine - February 2009 issue. For the article: Click here
"Extraordinary Women Deemed Ambassadors to Brooklyn By District Attorney" - Brooklyn Eagle - March 11, 2010. (Article is no longer on their website.)
"Orthodox Women Among Those Honored By Brooklyn DA For Their Community Service" - VIN News - March 11, 2021
"Rabbi Gives Kidney To Father Of 10" - Bergen County Record/ - September 27, 2009
"Local Rabbi Donates A Kidney To A Stranger" - New Jersey Jewish Standard - August 26, 2009
"Kidney Donation In The Hands of G-d" - The Wichita Eagle, - October 10, 2009
"Rabbi's Kidney Donation Inspires Community" - - August 20, 2009
"Penn Hills Woman To Donate Kidney To Man She Never Met" - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - June 13, 2009
"Penn Hills Woman Donates Kidney To Brooklyn Stranger" - Pittsburgh Tribute-Review - July 4, 2009.
"Wanted One Kidney, Good Condition" - Canadian Broadcasting Company - June 12, 2009.
"Website Connects Brooklyn, Man With Desperately Needed Kidney" - New York Daily News - June 11, 2009. (Please note:The newspaper was wrong.. No one has met, through my website! I made the match)
"Kidney Exchange Builds Chain Of Life" - Salt Lake Tribune, August 10, 2009
"Kidney Donation Law Must Change" - The Jewish Chronicle, England - June 2, 2009
"Arrivals: Ruth Shlossman: From New Jersey to Jerusalem" - The Jerusalem Post - July 16, 2009
"Kidney Matchmaker" - KRGV (ABC-TV), Texas - April 26, 2009
"Bostonians Helped By Kidney Matchmaker"- The Jewish Advocate, May 1, 2009. For the article, click here.
"Chaya Lipschutz: This Health Hero Helps Kidney Donors Meet Their Match" - Prevention Magazine - February 2009. For the article, click here.
"The Life Saver" - The Jewish Chronicle, Britain - May 25, 2007. For the article, click here.
"Brother & Sister Donate Kidneys to Save Lives" - The Jewish Press - June 22, 2007. For the article, click here.
"Kidney Donor Encourages Once in a Lifetime Mitzvah" - American Jewish World - July 13, 2007 For the article, Click here.
"The Gift of Life" - NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind's Newsletter - July 2006.
"KidneyMitzvah" - Brooklyn NY Marty Markowitz's publication, "Brooklyn" - Summer 2006. For the article, click here.
"Halachic Organ Donation Seminar" - The Jewish Press - August 4, 2006 - This article was a review of an event where I spoke at . For the article, Click here.
"Facts of Kidney Transplant" - The Jewish Press - February 8, 2006 - This article is no longer on the Jewish Press website, but someone republished on another website. To view the article, click here
Kidney and/or Liver Matches that I made, mentioned on the following TV programs:
"Blood & Organ Donor Saving the Lives of Strangers" - CBS Evening News - February 12, 2020. This was a national TV program, seen all over the USA viewd by millions!
"California Man Donates His Liver In Pittsburgh" -WTAE (ABC-TV affiliate) -January 16, 2020
"Rabbi Donates Organs Twice" - Fox 5, NY - March 22, 2019 - Website:
"Giving Someone's Life Back: Rabbi Makes Second Organ Donation To Stranger"- WCBS TV New York - January 10, 2020
"Perfect Stranger: Brooklyn Man Gets Gift Of Life" - WCBS, TV New York, - June 11, 2009
"Kidney Matchmaker" - News12 - November 6, 2011
My TV Appearances:
"Woman Donates Kidney to a Total Stranger, Thanks To Thanks to Lifesaving Matchmaker." - ABC-TV News - February 6, 2023
"Maryland Donates Kidney to a Total Stranger, Saves Life of Brooklyn Woman" - ABC-TV News - January 6, 2023
"Kidney Donor & Recipient Meet" - Fox News 5 NY - July 25, 2017
"Can You Save A Life" - PIX11 - October 17, 2013
"Kidney Matchmaker" - News12 - November 6, 2011
"Giving Life: The Story Of Organ Donation” - ABC-TV, Los Angeles, CA. A video of this show is on this website - home page. To watch, you can also click here.
My Radio Interviews:
"Josh Hasten Show - Voice of Israel" - February 28, 2015. Interview about myself & my kidney matchmaking. For my interview on this show, see left hand side of this page.
"The Ten Commandments - You Shall Not Bear False Witness" This American Life, NPR - May 4, 2007 This is what they named it! No, did not talk about the 10 commandments - but story was about me. To listen, click here.
"The Assemblyman Dov Hikind Show"- February 3, 2007 - I was interviewed, as well as another kidney donor & a transplant surgeon. To listen to this interview - see left side of this page for the interview.
Podcast Interview with me and my Organ Matches:
"Rabbi Efraim Simon: One Of The Country's First 'Dual Donors" - August 2, 2021 - Apple Podcast
I was mentioned on the following TV Programs:
"Kidney Matchmaker" - KRGV-ABC, TV - Rio Grande Valley,TX - April 26, 2009. Video is no longer on this TV station's website. To view the story, click here.
"Saving Karli" - CBS 42 TV, Birmingham, AL. - May 8, 2009. This story is no longer on this TV station's website.
"Penn Hills Woman To Donate A Kidney To NY Man" - KDKA-CBS, TV, Pittsburgh, PA. - May 11, 2009. This sotry is no long on the TV station's website.
I am mentioned in the following books:
"The Organ Donor Experience: Good Samaritans And The Meaning Of Altruism" - This book includes stories of 2 of my donors from 2 kidney matches I made, This book also describes my website as "unique."
"Like Water On A Rock" - True Stories Of Spiritual Transformation" - This book includes story of one of my kidney matches, titled, "My Kidney Sister."
"Amazing Women - Jewish Voices of Inspiration"
My heartfelt thanks to:
Former NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind. Assemblyman Hikind - who was the first person I approached to for help for a booth I had wanted to have at an Expo to educate the public about kidney donation. When I first came to his office to tell him about my plans for this booth and why I wanted to have it, he wasn't there but the receptionist told me that "Dov will be so happy to hear this." I did receive a call from him and he was happy and got someone to do my fliers and displays for my booth for free! He has since been very supportive. Whenever I go to his office, he is always so sweet! He has a big heart and does so much for the community, so many acts of great kindness. There is a story that he had written about me in his newsletter. Click here for this article: "The Gift of Life"
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Before I took out a booth at an Expo - I had mentioned to Rabbi Goldwasser what seemed at that time an impossible dream - to take out a booth at an expo, being that I had just decided less than a week before the Expo to take out a booth to promote kidney donation. He was extremely supportive and very excited about my plan to have a booth and he endorsed my project to find kidney donors for others and gave me a blurb about kidney donation to put on my flier that I had needed for the expo. He wrote about me in his book "Tishrei." Click here "Acknowledgements" to view what he wrote. Rabbi Goldwasser is involved in so many great causes. A very special Rabbi!
Former Brooklyn (NY) Borough President Marty Markowitz - I met Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz at a political breakfast,. He had said at the time that he would like to have a story written about me in his publication. That story brought the attention of Mary Robertson, a TV director who also had connections to NPR (National Public Radio) and resulted in my 2 radio interviews on "This American Life." And as a result of my interview on that radio program, people have donated a kidney and more people will be donating a kidney as well! And when I have sent E-mails to Marty, he e-mails me back, and so quickly! He also sent me a nice handwritten note in the mail. Very down to earth, very sweet person!
The Jewish Press (weekly Jewish newspaper) - In particular, I would like to thank Naomi Mauer who have takes the urgent need for kidney donors to heart and have published several articles on the subject of kidney donation in their newspaper. Naomi is also been in the forefront of other major issues pertaining to those in need.
Dr. Stuart Greenstein, Professor of Surgery, Kidney Transplant Surgeon, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY - One of the nicest, caring doctors in the world. Everyone who knows him would agree with me! He is very humble and I am not sure he would want me to list here all the great things about him! Anyhow - one thing I can say about him, is that this special doctor who goes to visit his ex-patients, overseas, when he is on vacation! Who knows any doctor in the world that would do this? Awesome and extraordinary!
Pat McDonough, RN, Kidney Transplant Coordinator, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY. - She has always been so helpful. She took out the time to teach me so many important things pertaining to kidney donation over the years. She herself had donated a kidney! I don't know of any other kidney transplant coordinator who has done so!
Philiip Palmer, ABC-TV,News, Los Angeles. - He is a TV Anchorman and kidney donor! I thank him for the opportunity he had given me to have the honor of being on his ABC-TV special on organ donation.
Former NY Assemblyman Richard Brodsky of blessed memory. Assemblyman Brodsky appreciated the work I did, having had a daughter who had a kidney transplant. He had sent me a nice letter complimenting the work I do. To read this letter, click here. -
My beloved mother, Hensha bas Yosef, of blessed memory. I can't repay her enough in my lifetime for her great love, support, caring and giving, I loved her so much..She was selfless and did extraordinary great Mitzvahs and Maasim Tovim (great deeds) in her lifetime. A "Tzadaikes" (very righteous woman) .She was my best friend. Miss her dearly. To read about my beloved mother, click here To see a video on my mother's "good vorts (words), click here. To hear my mother's Divrei Torah (words of Torah) click here.
Again, my heartfelt thanks to my beloved mother and these wonderful individuals!