This Website
was mentioned in many media outlets including:
Fox News
New York Post
Washington Post
Pittsburgh Tribune Review
Salt Lake City Tribune
New York Post
KRGV-ABC-TV News, Rio Grande Valley, Texas
The Jewish Chronicle, England
The Jerusalem Post - Israel,
plus many more!
CRAIGS LIST saves a life!
Sean Mackewicz of North Dakota, donated a kidney as a result of Chaya's posting on Craigs List!
Nurse donates a kidney!
Congratulations to:
Elizabeth Antosy, a nurse from Philadelphia donated a kidney in a kidney chain, through Chaya
"Unique Website!"
- Quote about this website in the book, "The Organ Donor Experience", by Dr. Katrina A. Bramstedt
Yes, this is the website that was mentioned in the Washington Post & ABC TV News!
Moshe Siegel, father of 4 from Beit Shemesh, Israel, contacted Chaya Lipschutz, a kidney donor who is a Kidney-Liver Matchmaker and who runs this website,, & had told her that he donated a kidney because of this website! Isn't that great!!! Others have been inspired as well to donate a kidney as a result of this website!

Chaya Lipschutz.
who runs this organ matchmaking website, is a
Kidney Donor & Kidney & Liver Matchmaker
& was proclaimed,
"Health Hero"
by Prevention Magazine
for the story - click here
Chaya also received an
"Extraordinary Woman" award from
Former NY District Attorney, Charles Hynes,
for her life-saving work, making organ matches.
For more info about Chaya, click on the
"About Chaya Lipschutz" tab.
Congratulations to
Rabbi Ephraim Simon father of 9 children
from Teaneck NJ on his
double organ donation -
donated both his kidney & liver!
He first donated a kidney, to a father of 10 & then,
donated part of his liver to father of 3!
Chaya Lipschutz made both of his organ matches!
(More information below - see newsletter)
If you would like to DONATE
or part of your LIVER
happy to assist you or match you up!
Contact: Chaya Lipschutz,
the Kidney/Liver Matchmaker:
E-mail: or
phone (917) 627-8336
CONSIDERING DONATING A KIDNEY or part of your LIVER & need more info! For a great video on kidney donation, click here. For liver donation, click here. You can also go to the "Donate A Kidney" tab on this website for more info.
*Congratulations to:
Eric Steger, 50 years old from California donated 60% of his liver to a stranger in Pittsburgh!
Chaya made his liver match
Man from Utah donates a kidney, as a result of one of Chaya's radio interviews on "This American Life" on NPR! His kidney donation resulted in 7 people receiving a kidney!
For the story, click here
Chaya Lipschutz, Kidney Donor & Kidney & Liver Matchmaker who makes organ matches & runs this website, does not accept any money for her services.

83 YEAR OLD man donates a kidney!
For his story, click here

Happy to announce my LATEST KIDNEY MATCH!
Congratulations to Liza Porat, mom of 5 from Silver Spring, Maryland
donated a kidney to a woman from Brooklyn, NY
Donor & recipient didn't meet until 2 days after the transplant!
(see newsletter below for more info on this match between 2 strangers)
What's new? See newsletter below
"Just think people have no problem having only one kidney, so we have to ask, why did Hashem, (G-d), give us two kidneys? Perhaps it is so you would have an extra one to donate and save a life!" - Dr. Stuart Greenstein, Kidney Transplant Surgeon, Professor of Surgery, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY Source
"It was the best thing I ever did with my life. "I wish I had more; I would do it again." - April Capone, former Mayor of East Haven, CT, donated a kidney to a stranger.
"Kidney donation is a relatively safe operation, and many donors will never feel the loss of their second kidney. It's the most expendable of organs. So giving up a kidney causes no disadvantage to your long-term health. In fact, studies have shown, that kidney donors actually live longer than the general population - because donors come from a pool of people in good health." - Dr. Michael Edye, former Adjunct Associate Professor of surgery, Mount SinaI Medical Center, New York, NY.
"Donating a kidney to a woman that I had never met was the greatest experience of my life! To give for the pure sake of giving, brings the biggest joy imaginable. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity thatchanged my life in every way." - Lori Palatnik, donated a kidney to a stranger.
"Since my kidney donation, I feel richer than Donald Trump and Bill Gates." - David Koster, donated a kidney to a stranger.
"There is no greater feeling than knowing you brought life to another human being. It has truly been an amazing experience that ranks right up there with the birth of my 9 children. If I could, I would do it again tomorrow." - Rabbi Ephraim Simon,who donated a both a kidney AND part of his liver to 2 strangers!
"Having had the good fortune of being able to donate a kidney has been the most amazing experience in my life -second only to the birth of my three wonderful sons." - Tirtza Rosenthal, who donated a kidney to a stranger
"They (the hospital) did not prepare me for the joy that I felt after donating. It's been amazing. I would do itagain if I could. " - Sophia Goode, who donated a kidney to a stranger, starting a kidney chain
"Giving a kidney was no big deal...I've had dental treatment that was worse" - Paul Dixon, who donated a kidney to a stranger.
"Liver donation, was a piece of cake!" - Yizchok Pinkesz, who donated part of his liver to a stranger
Kidney donation, "Is relatively risk-free for the donor. No long term negative outcomes.” – Dr.Timucin Taner, transplant surgeon at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.
*For more quotes by kidney donors & doctors in the transplant field, click here.
Over 100,000 people in the USA each year, are awaiting a life-saving kidney, liver or other organ. Thousands of people die each year waiting for an organ. The purpose of this website is to educate the public about living kidney & liver donation, the most common organs needs. This website wasl also created to inspire others to donate an organ, so more lives can be saved. If you are considering donating a kidney or liver, please feel free to contact me. I can give you all the information you need. Click on the "Contact Us" tab above.
About myself - Chaya Lipschutz, a Kidney Donor and a Kidney& Liver Matchmaker & who created this website:
I donated a kidney to a stranger in September 2005 after seeing an ad in a weekly newspaper placed by a person in need of a kidney. Since my kidney donation, I have been wanting to do more - to help save the lives of others in need of a kidney. I first took out a booth at an expo in New York City in December 2005, to educate the public aboutkidney donation. I have since made many other kidney matches & liver matches as well, and have more in the works. My brother donated a kidney as well, to someone on my list of people who was in need of a kidney. And my nephew donated a kidney as well! For more information about myself click on the "About Chaya Lipschutz" tab Thanks for stopping by!
Best wishes,
Chaya Lipschutz
Kidney Donor and Kidney & Liver Matchmaker
Certified NY State Citizen Public Health Leader
P.S. My hebrew name "Chaya", means "life-giving" - a name I was given at birth! Little did my parents know when they named me, that I would end up living up to my name, saving lives!
* * * * *
For Those Considering Donating a Kidney or Part of Their Liver
Do you want more information on becoming a kidney donor or part of your liver?
Would you like to speak to others who have donated their kidney or part of their liver?
I am in touch with others who have also donated a kidney and and a couple of people who donated part of their liver, and they would be happy to share with anyone about their great experience. As a kidney donor myself, I would be happy to answer all your questions regarding kidney donation. No obligation ever. Please feel free to e-mail me at You can also click on the "Contact Us" tab.
For more information about kidney or liver donation, please click on the "Donate A Kidney" or the "Donate a liver" tab.
Please note: Most of us who have donated a kidney, prior to our kidney donation, in discussing with others our plans to give up a kidney, we have encountered people who have thought that we were crazy for donating a kidney. Generally since most of the population doesn't know anything about kidney donation, this is a "normal" reaction. I strongly suggest for those considering kidney donation, to speak to people who are educated about kidney donation, whether it is someone who has already donated a kidney, a doctor who specializes in this field, or contact any kidney transplant center that would be happy to give you all the information you need. Or you can always feel free to contact me & I would be happy to provide them with information & also refer to other kidney donors who are happy to share their great kidney donation experience. Or you can also always refer them to this website! Liver donation is far riskier than kidney donation. I can also put you in touch with those who donated liver to find out how well they did & about recuperation.
Also, please note: For those who are working-great news, lost wages for organ donation can be paid for by the organization, National Living Donor Assistance Center. Depending on the state you live in, you may be able to deduct up to $10,000 from your taxes for lost wages. Note: One cannot get paid for kidney donation, which is illegal.
* * * * *
For Those in Need of a Kidney
1. Ask your family members to get tested first! No family member? How about friends! Sometimes this is not easy - depending on the relation or the friend. But, please read this great article that can be helpful, click on "Talking Increases Kidney Donation." This article says that "get-togethers with a kidney disease patient's family and friends can improve their willingness to consider donation." A must read article for anyone in need of a kidney!
2. If you have someone who has tested for you and is not a compatible blood type or not a match, but willing to donate a kidney to someone else instead, the National Kidney Registry may be able to find you a compatible donor in their kidney swap/paired donation program. For more information check go to their website at or contact the recipient's hospital who can give more info on this organization as well as others. Read this important article and watch the video: "Doctors: Kidney Swapping Can Save More Lives."
2. Cedars Sinai has a great program for incompatible blood types. If you have a donor who is not a compatible blood type that person may be able to donate a kidney to you or your family member, despite being the wrong blood type! For example, my nephew who was blood type AB was able to donate a kidney to the recipient who was blood type B! (Usually AB can only donate to an AB. The way it works, the recipient has to have a treatment of IVIG & plasmapheresis. Contact the hospital for more info.
3. Make up a flier for the person who needs a kidney & spread in the community & beyond! There have been people who donated a kidney as a result of a flier!
4. Note: There has been numerous articles over the years, written about my matches, and I get a lot of people contacting me needing a kidney. I have a huge list of people, many of them in a very desperate need and unfortunately can't help mostly all since I don't often get responses from people who want to donate a kidney.. At least 95% of the e-mails I get regarding a kidney - is from people who NEED a kidney, not from people who want to donate a kidney! So unfortunately I can't help mostly all who need a kidney. It's still very hard to get kidney donors despite all the publicity I have received in the past.. Most of the time I post for others who need a kidney, but, unfortunately, most of the time, I don't get responses. That's why it is so important to get family members to test. If no family members, then other relatives. If no relatives can donate a kidney, then one should try to get friends, acquaintances, etc. And if someone wants to donate a kidney and is not your blood type, best to do, a swap through your hospital. If you have a potential donor and is unsure or needs more info - feel free to contact me. You can go to the "contact us" tab on this website.
* * * *
A Match That I Have Not Made, But Had Inspired the Donor to Donate a Kidney:
I had once read a story about June McGlashen, an ex- cop who was in need of a kidney in the NY Daily News. The article was titled, "Retired Cop, Sibs Wrestle With Rare Genetic Kidney." I had contacted Ernie Nespretto who was a reporter at that time with the NY Daily News saying that I would like to try to help June, the retired cop who needed a kidney. So, we got in touch with each other and I invited June to hear me speak at a Kidney Disease & Organ Transplantation Forum in Brooklyn, NY. I had decided to incorporate in my speech that evening about June, this ex-cop who has done so much for New York, making it one of the safest big cities in the US - that we should now try to do something for her & help save her life. Her boyfriend came as well to hear me speak that evening. So I decided to speak to her boyfriend, Michael Jerry, to try to get him to donate a kidney to his girlfriend June, the retired cop. At that point, he didn't even know his blood type. Anyhow, in the end, I went to visit them in the hospital after the kidney donation and they both said that it was because of me that he ended up donating a kidney to her. Sometimes even a friend can be reluctant to do so. With the right education many others might consider as well. For a speech I gave at this event in which I spoke about this ex-cop needing a kidney - click here. This speech also tells the story about my kidney donation - and why I was turned down a number of times before I was finally able to donate a kidney. June McGlashen ended up marrying her boyfriend Michael Jerry, who donated a kidney to her! Congratulations! (See photo on left side of Michael Jerry, on the right, before his kidney donation, with kidney donor David Koster, left.)
* * * *
Mother of 2 in desperate need of a life-saving kidney. If you would like to help save the life of this wonderful mom, please click on the "Contact Us" tab above the page to contact me or e-mail me at (Please note. People of all blood types needed, in general, for kidney donation! So please feel free to contact me to help save a life.)
* * * *
Below is a partial list of some great people who have donated a kidney - and most donated a kidney to a stranger! I have been in touch with many of these wonderful people. This website is dedicated to them!
Rabbi Efraim Simon, Teaneck, NJ - a DOUBLE organ donor, was 41 years old, father of 9, youngest child 2 years old, when he donated a kidney to a stranger, in 2009 & he was 50 years old when he donated part of his liver to a stranger as well in 2019. Chaya Lipschutz made both his kidney & liver matches. More about him below under "newsletter"
John Feal, Neconset, NY - was 40 years old, when he donated a kidney to a stranger as part of a 6 way kidney donor swap, He donated a kidney in August, 2007, DESPITE, prior to his kidney donation, he was a 9/11 responder & a beam of the World Trade Center, fell on a leg & crushed it! He had to have 41 surgeries to correct it! And still donated a kidney after that! Super hero! Hospital he donated a kidney at: Columbia Presbytarian, New York, NY. You can read John's story on his website:
Baila Teitelbaum of Brooklyn, NY, a DOUBLE organ donor - mother of 5, was 33 years old when she donated a kidney to a stranger and 47 years old when she donated part of her liver to a stranger as well! Donated a kidney to 2007 & donated her liver in 2021. And her husband donated a kidney too! Wow! Chaya made just her kidney match. More about her below under "newsletter."
Chaya Ben Baruch, of Tzfat, Israel, (formerly of the USA), was a 54 year old mother of 10, when she donated a kidney to a father of 3. Chaya Ben Baruch got in touch with Chaya Lipschutz after seeing her posting that she had in Israel for someone there who was in need of a kidney. She donated a kidney in August 2010. Hospital: Beilinson, Petach Tikvah, Israel. She is quite a woman who has 6 biological children AND adopted 4 Down's Syndrome children! And started an organization that rescues abandoned Down's Syndrome Children from hospitals!
Leah W. of Jerusalem Israel, (formerly of the USA), wife of a Rabbi of a Yeshivah- was a 49 year old MOTHER OF 12 when she donated a kidney to a father of 3 in Israel. Leah had thought about donating a kidney after reading about kidney donation in a magazine and was then forwarded Chaya's posting for someone who was in need of a kidney and got in touch with Chaya who had made her kidney match. She donated a kidney in January 2010. Hospital: Beilinson, Petach Tikvah, Israel.
Jordan Brough, Washington, DC - was 29 years old, father of a 1 year old when he donated a kidney to a stranger, and his kidney donation resulted in a 14 person kidney exchange! Jordan had heard Chaya speak on "This American Life" on NPR and decided he too would like to donate a kidney. To read his story, click on "The Chain of Life: Kidney Exchange Pools
Doctors, Donors, Recipients." Hospital: George Washington University, Washington, DC
Sheva Chana W., Monroe, NY - was 40 years old, mother of 9, youngest child 1 years old,donated a kidney to a stranger, afterseeing an ad in a newspaper for someone who needed a kidney. She donated a kidney in October, 2008. Hospital: Montefiore
Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Shmuel W., Lakewood, NJ - was 26 years old, father of 2 (youngest 1 years old) when he donated a kidney to a stranger,after seeing an ad in a newspaper for someone who needed a kidney. He donated a kidney in July, 2004. His sister-in-law donated a kidney as well! Hospital: National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Avrohom P., Brooklyn, - was 25 years old, father of 3, youngest only a few months old, when he donated a kidney to a stranger. Hospital: Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY (Avrohom's sister-in-law and his sister-in-law's aunt also donated their kidney to a stranger!
Lori Palatnik, Silver Spring, MD - was 48 years old, mother of 5 when she donated her kidney to a stranger. Lori saw a posting for someone Chaya had who had needed a kidney. Since that person wasn't well enough at the time to have a kidney transplant, she agreed to test for someone else. Lori donated a kidney in December 2007. Hospital: Montefiore Medical Center, You can read a story Lori wrote about her kidney donation - click here: "A Kidney to Give".
Yosef Lipschutz, Brooklyn, NY - Chaya's brother - was 50 years old when he donated a kidney to a stranger. He donated a kidney to someone on my list of people in need of a kidney. He donated a kidney in March 2007. Hospital SUNY/Downstate
Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
Chaya's Nephew - Eliyon, was a 39 year old father of 5 from Israel when he donated a kidney to someone close to him. He donated a kidney at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles in Dec. 20015.
Moshe M., Brooklyn, NY - was 37 years old, father of 9 children when he donated a kidney a kidney to a stranger. He had seen an ad in a newspaper placed by that person who he ended up donating a kidney to. Two years after donating a kidney, his wife had her 10th child! Moshe donated a kidney in December 2005. Hospital Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Faigy, Brooklyn, NY - was 23 years old, with a 1 year old baby, when she donated a kidney to a stranger, also a result of seeing an ad in a Jewish newspaper placed by the person she donated a kidney to. She donated a kidney in June 2005. Since her kidney donation, 2 years later, she had her 2nd child! This family is awesome-first her brother-in-law donated a kidney, then she did and then her aunt! All 3 donated kidneys to strangers! Faigy donated a kidney in June 2005. The person whom Faigy donated a kidney to, couldn't have more children before his kidney transplant. . However, since his kidney transplant , his wife had another baby, approximately 2 years after receiving a kidney! Hospital: Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Rabbi Moskowitz, Long Island, NY - was 38 years old when he donated a kidney to a stranger after seeing an ad placed in a newspaper by the person he ended up donating a kidney to. Rabbi Moskowitz is a school teacher and donated a kidney during the school year. His students were awe struck. What a great example he was to his students! He donated a kidney in 2004. Hospital: Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Baila B., Brooklyn, NY - was a 42 years old, mother of 8 when she donated a kidney to a stranger after seeing an ad in a newspaper for someone in need of a kidney. She donated a kidney in May 2008. Hospital: Montefiore Medical Center, New York, NY
David Koster, Brooklyn, NY - was 55 years old when he donated a kidney to a kidney to a stranger after seeing an ad in a newspaper placed by someone who was in need of a kidney. He donated a kidney in November 2003. Hospital: Westchester Medical Center, Valhalia, NY. You could read David's story here - click on "Kidney Donor Speaks Out" Also, see to see his
video on You Tube click on, "The Day in the Life of a Kidney Donor"
Rabbi Ginsburg, Brooklyn, NY - was 38 years old when he donated a kidney to a co-worker. He donated a kidney in 2006. Hospital: SUNY/Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY.
A special Thank You to all the Wonderful Kidney Donors,
who have Inspired Others to Donate a Kidney!
Sam Waldman, Lakewood, NJ, David Koster, Brooklyn, NY, Lori Palatnik, Israel (formerly of Silver Spring, MD, Moshe Meisels, Brooklyn, NY, and to all the others!
* * * * * *
Chaya Lipschutz
on the
ABC TV special
"Giving Life: The Story of Organ Donation"
NOTE: Click here if above video doesn't work

Chaya Lipschutz,
Kidney & Liver Matchmaker
with her kidney recipient on the left. Chaya started this website.
Chaya donated a kidney to a stranger in 2005) Photo was taken at a booth at an expo in 2005 to promote kidney donation.
DONATED A KIDNEY as a result of Chaya's speech at event! Michael, on the left, heard Chaya speak at an event. When she went to visit him in the hospital after he donated a kidney, he said "I donated a kidney because of you!' On his right,
KIDNEY DONATION FLIER Saves this man's life!
Balia Teitelbaum, a mother of 5 from New York, saw Chaya's flier in a fish store & donated a kidney to this man she matched her up with!

THIS FLIER Saves A Life!
This is the flier Chaya hung up in a Fish store below, that resulted in the above man's life being saved!

This is the first ad Chaya saw in a newspaper, that inspired her to donate a kidney! The rest is history!
THIS WEBSITE was featured
on ABC-TV affiliate
KRGV, Rio Grande Valley, Texas, (click above to watch.)
Chaya's TV interview as well as story about one of her kidney matches on News12 TV news (To view, click above)

FISH STORE Saves A Life!
Chaya's flier in this fish store (see flier above) resulted in a kidney donation!

Moish Segal of Israel, said he donated a kidney as a result of this website!

Chaya's brother on the left with his kidney recipient. Chaya made his kidney match & her nephew who also donated became the 3rd family member to donate a kidney!

COMEDIAN JOAN RIVER'S FRIEND gets a kidney aa result of FACEBOOK!
Chaya found a kidney donor for Ms. River's friend on the left. The man on the right of her Pete DelMasto, of Michigan, had donated a kidney as a result of Chaya's posting on Facebook!

Nancy Murrell, of Pennsylvania, donated a kidney as a result of hearing Chaya on NPR. 2 million people tuned in! Chaya made her kidney match.

Yitzchok Pinkesz, father of 2, from Washington state donated part of his liver to a mother of 4! This liver match by Chaya, had made history as the first liver match between 2 adult strangers in New York.

CRAIG'S LIST Saves A Life!
Sean Mackewicz, of North Dakota, responded to Chaya's posting on Craigs List & donated in a kidney swap for the person she matched him up with!

Chaya's interview on
NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind's Weekly Radio Show - WMCA, NY
Also interviewed on this program, was another kidney donor & a transplant surgeon.
Tom O'Driscoll of Texas, donated a kidney after hearing Chaya's interview on NPR. Left to right: Tom, his kidney recipient & Chaya, who made their kidney match. And, in 2022, Tom went on to donate part of his liver as well, making him a DOUBLE organ donor!

Chaya DONATED A KIDNEY as a result of a NEWSPAPER AD!
Chaya donated a kidney to the person in this ad who needed a kidney!
Saves A Life!
Someone donated a kidney as a result of Chaya's flier seeking kidney donors at this store!

Saves A Life!
Chaya's flier seeking kidney donors outside this Synagogue, resulted in a kidney donation! Chaya made that match!

Rabbi Ephraim Simon, father of 9 from New Jersey, donated both his kidney AND liver! Chaya made both his organ matches!

Saves a life!
Aaron Lapp,of New York, , a father of 5, saw Chaya's posting in a Jewish Yahoo group & donated a kidney to a Mother of 2. Chaya made this kidney match with a fellow kidney donor.
Eric Steger of California who saved lives with bone marrow, & platelet donations, donated 60% of his liver. See above TV interview. He was also on CBS TV Evening news viewed by MILLIONS! Chaya made his liver match.

MOTHER OF 9 Donates a Kidney!
Nahva Follman, mother of 9 from Israel, donated a kidney after seeing Chaya's posting in a Jewish Yahoo group. Chaya made her match.

Jordan Brough, of DC donated a kidney as after hearing Chaya on NPR. He started a kidney chain in which 7 lives were saved!

Patrick Duncan of Virginia, responded to Chaya's posting on Craigs List seeking kidney donors. He ended up being a part of a kidney chain in which many people got a kidney! See photo below!

Patrick Duncan, 3rd, left, part of a kidney chain with all the other donors & recipients in chain!

Mother AND son
donate a kidney!
Marci Kaplan, mother of 5 from Israel, contacted Chaya to donate a kidney after seeing her posting in a Jewish Yahoo group. Chaya made her match. Then her son donated, father of a baby donated a kidney as well!

Robert Sanchez pictured with Chaya, had a donor for him - Elizabeth Antosy, the nurse below She was no longer a match She donated a kidney in a swap program & that is how he got a kidney!

Elizabeth Antosy, of Pennsylvania, contacted Chaya after doing a search on the internet for kidney donation. She was no longer a match & instead donated a kidney in a swap program

Kidney & Liver donors desperately needed!
If you would like to save a life by donating a kidney or part of your liver, please contact me, Chaya Lipschutz, Kidney & Liver Matchmaker (917) 627-8336. E-mail:
* * * *
Happy to announce my Latest Kidney Match!
Made the news in The Washington Post & ABC-TV News!
(see links to the news stories, in paragraph below)
Congratulations to Liza Porat, a 57 year old Orthodox Jewish mother of 5 from Silver Spring, MD, who donated a kidney to a 41 year old woman from Brooklyn NY. Transplant took place on October 4. 2022 at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, NYC. Liza, the donor didn't meet her kidney recipient until 2 days after she donated a kidney to her! This kidney recipient had suffered so much on dialysis, was in & out of hospitals. She wasn't able to urinate for almost a year before she had the transplant! However, since getting a kidney, she is able to urinate! Her creatinine level went from 11 to 1! Thank G-d! Anyhow - her donor, Liza, had contacted me offering to donate a kidney after seeing a posting I had in a Jewish e-mail group listserv. So glad everything worked out great, Thank G-d! And part of this incredible story: When this woman who needed a kidney was in the hospital, earlier this year, a nurse asked her if she needed a living donor. The nurse took the hand of this woman who needed a kidney &d prayed to G-d for her that she should get a living donor. The nurse told this woman who needed a kidney, excitedly after praying with her that she will get a donor! And 2 days later, she heard from me that I had a donor for her! Anyhow, there were great stories about this kidney match in the Washington Post,& on ABC-TV News. For The Washington Post story: "Md. Woman Donates Kidney to Stranger After Seeing Request on Email Group", for the article, click here For the ABC-TV News story -Part 1: "Maryland Woman Donates Her Kidney to Total Stranger Saves Life of Brooklyn Woman, for the story, click here For Part 2 of the ABC-TV news story, "Woman Donates Kidney to a Total Stranger, Thanks to Lifesaving Matchmaker," click here.
LATEST DOUBLE ORGAN DONOR, Inspired to Donate a Kidney After Hearing Me on the Radio & Then Went on to Donate Part of his Liver, as well!
Tom O'Driscoll, of Sugar Land Texas, contacted me in 2010 offering to donate his kidney after hearing me on "This American Life on NPR, which has a listening audience of approximately 2 million people! I matched him up with Carolyn Bramson of Los Angeles. He donated a kidney in 2010 to her at Cedars Sinai, in Los Angeles. 2 years ago, Tom contacted me again this time offering to donate part of his liver. I didn't have anyone his blood type who needed liver & suggested for him to donate altruistically at USC-Keck Los Angeles, a hospital that also accepts donors over the age of 55 a as most hospitals in the USA had an age limit of 55 for liver donation. Anyhow - so he successfully donated a large part of his liver in 2022! He did great interviews on his double organ donation. Following are the links of radio & newspaper interviews he did. I am mentioned in both of these interviews: For his radio interview on the Michael Berry Show, "The Truly Inspirational Story of Tom O'Driscoll:The Man Who Had Donated His Organs to Two Strangers" , click here For his interview in the Houston Chronicle: "Sugar Land Kidney and Liver Donor Climbs Mount Kilimanjaro to Raise Awareness for Organ Donation" click here
MANY MORE LIVES SAVED as a Result of Hearing Me on the Radio!
Many years ago, I was on 2 shows of This American Life" on NPR, which ended up resulting in many kidney donations. People had donated a kidney through me as a result of hearing me on this radio program. And also, some people ended up donating a kidney, altruistically. And over the years, numerous people would write to me, saying that they ended up donating a kidney as a result of hearing me on this radio program! One of those who ended up donating a kidney, is Sophia Goode of Washington state, who ended up donating a kidney at her local hospital, started a kidney chain in which 5 lives were saved! WOW! She had written to me after she donated a kidney that I had inspired her to do so. Nice! Anyhow, just very recently, I was searching recently for an article on the internet & found the great story about her kidney donation & this story starts off about her being hearing me on the radio & she says in her story that I inspired her to donate a kidney! To read her great story, "Meet Kidney Donor Athlete Sophia" click here
A Major Hospital Study Done on 3,000 Kidney Donors Shows that Kidney Donors Do Well!
Mayo Clinic, based in Rochester, MN, one of the best hospitals in the USA, did a major study that showed that kidney donors do well! This study came out in April 2022. They followed kidney donors from the years 2000-2019. Dr. Timucin Taner, a transplant surgeon at the famed Mayo Clinic based in Rochester Minnesota said about kidney donation: "Is relatively risk-free for the donor. No long term negative outcomes.” Great news! To read 2 of the stories that came out on this - one was a TV new story titled: "Mayo Clinic Releases New Study Findings on Living Kidney Donor Surgery" click here. For the 2nd story on this great study on kidney donors - this one from Mayo Clinic's website, titled: "Mayo Clinic Study Confirms Living Kidney Donor Surgery is Low Risk for Most Patients" click here.
Great story Came Out on a Kidney Match I Had Made in Israel!
Nahva Follman, a mother of 8 from Jerusalem, had donated a kidney through me years ago. A story has never been written about this match. To read the story, "A Tale of Two Kidneys and an Unlikely Friendship", click here.
My Latest Interview - Including Interview on my Double Organ Match!
"Rabbi Efraim Simon: One Of The Country's First 'Dual Donors" - Apple Podcast - August 2, 2021. To listen to this podcast, click here
Mother of 5 Donated Liver after Donating a Kidney! Newest DOUBLE ORGAN donor! Plus, Husband had Donated A Kidney as well!
Baila Teitelbaum, a mother of 5 from Brooklyn, NY became a DOUBLE ORGAN DONOR! Baila 33 years old, had donated a kidney through me in 2007, after seeing a flyer I had in a fish store for someone in need of a kidney! Then her husband donated a kidney years later as well!. And then in June 2021 she donated part of her liver to a baby! I had matched up Baila first with someone else who needed liver She did her testing & was cleared. I told Baila though that the person I matched her up with had donors. So she decided instead to donate part of her liver to someone else - her neighbor had asked her if she can donate part of her liver to her cousin's baby. And so she did! Baila is such an incredible woman - she had also adopted a Down's Syndrome baby - years after she herself had a Down's Syndrome child!
My Donor Donates a Kidney in a Kidney Chain in which 4 people Got a Kidney! Incredible story!
Elizabeth Antosy, 36 years old nurse from Philadelphia, donated a kidney in a kidney chain on October 27th, which helped save 4 lives, including Robert Sanchez, 52 year old father of 1 from Bronx, NY, the man I had matched her up. Elizabeth was going to donate a kidney directly to Robert last year, but the transplant was cancelled 1 week before the transplant date! Robert got sick & was found to have cancer in one of his kidneys! After the kidney with the cancer was removed, Robert found out Elizabeth & was no longer a match for him, so she could no longer donte a kidney to him, unfortunately! I had asked Elizabeth if she can be in a kidney swap program for Robert & she agreed. A kidney chain was started & Robert got a kidney from someone in the chain & in return, Elizabeth donated to someone else in the kidney chain. Robert, who was on dialysis for 6 1/2 years, had his transplant at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx & Elizabeth donated her kidney at Thomas Jefferson hospital in Philadelphia. at Robert & Elizabeth did which was on CBS-TV in New York: "Thanks to Kidney Chain, Bronx Man Finally Getting Badly Needed Transplant" click here Elizabeth had contacted me that she wanted to donate a kidney, after finding me in a search on the internet! And the rest is history!
Happy to Announce My Latest LIVER match! Donor Saved Multiple Lives!
Interview on CBS Evening News, watched by MILLIONS!
Eric Steger, 50 years old from Sunnyvale, California, donated 60% of his liver - to Jeff Kurtz Lendner of Des Moines, Iowa. Transplant took place on January 7, 2020 at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. .Eric saved many lives through his 140 platelet donations & had donated bone marrow as well to a stranger, saving a life of a man who had leukemia! CBS Evenings news did a great story about this match that was watched by MILLIONS throughout the USA! To watch this CBS story, "Blood & Organ Donor Saving Lives of Strangers" click here. To watch another great TV story on ABC-TV affiliate WTAE, "California Man Donates His Liver to Pittsburgh Man" click here. To read the San Francisco Chronicle story, "Sunnyvale Organ Donor Has Half A Liver & A Very Big Heart"- click here. To watch a great video interview with the donor & recipient - click here.
Happy to Announce One of my Latest Kidney Matches! Donor flies from Oregon to New York to Donate A Kidney!
Elissa Wald, a 50 year old mother of 2 young kids from Portland Oregon, donated a kidney to Ewa Moskovitz, a 40 year old mother of a 2 year old of NYC. Transplant took place at New York Presbytarian Cornell on October 3, 2019. Elissa contacted me after doing a search on the internet! A story about this great match was on in the New York Post. To read about this story, "Upper West Side mom gets gift of life from complete stranger" click here.
Happy to Announce Double Donor Liver Match:
Rabbi Donates Kidney AND Liver!!!
AMAZING DOUBLE ORGAN MATCH! Congratulations to: Rabbi Ephraim Simon, 50 year old father of 9, from Teaneck, NJ, who donated a kidney through me in 2009, then donated 60% of his liver to Adam Levitz, a 41 year old father of 3 from Long Island, NY, on December 20, 2018. Liver transplant took place at the Cleveland Clinic, in Ohio on December 20, 2018.. Rabbi Simon first contacted me in 2008 wanting to donate his kidney. Since 2012 he has been wanting to donate part of his liver as well, but most hospitals in the USA do not accept kidney donors as liver donors. So finally I was able to match Rabbi Simon with someone who needed a kidney who registered with the Cleveland Clinic that allows kidney donors to also donate part of their liver. Transplant a huge success, thank G-d! Honored to have made Rabbi Simon's kidney and liver match! To read a great story about this incredible double organ donor, "Rare Kindness: Kidney Donor Rabbi Now Donates His Liver" click here.
Kidney Match I Am a Part O! TV Station Helps Save a Life!
I had contacted a TV station in Connecticut asking them to do a story about someone in need of a kidney. And that resulted in a donor coming forward! Congratulations to Christine Sicignano,49 year old single mother of 4,from Guilford CT who donated a kidney to Donald Pritchard, 52 years old father of a 15year old, also from Guilford, CT. Transplant took place at Yale New Haven Hospital on March 26th. Here is the link to the story that led to his getting a donor. I am referred in this story at a kidney matchmaker: For the story, click here
Kidney Match in Israel as a Result of a Jewish internet Group!
Nahva Follman, a 41 year old mother of 8 from Jerusalem - who had move to Israel from Brooklyn, NY in 2004, donated a kidney to 59 year old Dr. Roman Grenshpan, a father of 2 from Petah Tikva. (who had move to Israel from Leningrad, Russia in 1990. Transplant took place at Ichelov - Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. Nahva had contacted me as a result of a posting I had, seeking kidney donors, in a Jewish internet group.
Donor Donates a Kidney as a Result of My Posting on Craigs List!
Great story on my kidney match that took place in January 2018: Betty Dermartini, a mother of 3 from Lauderhill, Florida, donated a kidney to Vivian 3 from Miami. Transplant took place at Jackson Memorial Hospital on January 2nd. Betty contacted me as a result of my Craigs List posting. She was going to donate a kidney to her aunt, but then her aunt, unfortunately passed away So was looking for someone else to donate a kidney to - and the rest is history! Betty and her recipient first met when they were filmed for an ABC-TV Miami news story. To watch this great news story - click here
Rabbi & Facebook Helps Save A Life! Donor & Recipient, Although Strangers, Found They Have So Much in Common!
Great story on my kidney match that took place in October 2017. Vicki O'Neill Haber - 40 year old mother of 2, from Denver Colorado, donated a kidney to Rachel, a 34 year old woman from a suburb of Denver. Transplant took place at the University of Colorado Medical Center. I had reached out to a Rabbi in Denver, asking if he can help spread the word about Rachel needing a kidney. And so he did - the Rabbi and his wife posted on their Facebook page and Vicki saw the posting and contacted me to donate a kidney. Both Vicki and her recipient weren't planning to meet - but both ended up at the same temple for Rosh Hashanah, and the Vicki saw her recipients name tag and said upon seeing her recipient for the first time, "OMG are you Rachel?" You are going to take my kidney"! They hugged and cried. Coincidentally, Vicki's close friend happens to be a cousin to her kidney recipient! They are both from Southern California. Both are teachers. They found they have much in common! Vicki was interviewed on Facebook a day before her kidney donation. To hear the great interview Vicki did the day before her surgery, click here. To hear the great interview Vicki did after her kidney donation - cick here See photo on the left of Vicky & Rachel.
Rabbi of a Synagogue, a Father of 9, a Former Principal & EMT, Donates a Kidney!
Rabbi Avroham Hoffman, 63 year old father of 9, teacher, former principal, EMT and Rabbi of a congregation, from New York CIty, donated a kidney to Berta Ilizarova, a 62 year old mother of 2 from Queens, NY. Transplant took place at New York Presbytarian-Cornel on July 17, 2017. Rabbi Hoffman contacted me as a result of reading about me in an article. To watch a TV news story about this match that was on Fox News, NY - click here. To read about this match in the New York Daily News, click here. To read more stories about this kidney match - go to the "About Chaya Lipschutz" tab and see listings of stories on matches. For more information on Rabbi Hoffman, click here.
Newspaper Story Inspires Woman to Donate a Kidney!
Kerry Greene a 45 year old mother of 4 from Atlanta, GA, donated a kidney to Mindy - a 34 year old woman from Marrietta, GA. Transplant took place at Piedmont hospital in Atlanta on April 21, 2017. Kerry contacted me that she wanted to donate a kidney, after reading an article about me.
Nephew Becomes My 3rd Family Member to Donate a Kidney!
One of my wonderful nephews, a father of 5, donated a kidney to someone close to us in December of 2015. He was 38 years old at the time. He became the 3rd family member to donate a kidney! First, I donated in 2005, then my brother donated to someone on my listi in 2007, and now my nephew! My nephew offered to donate. So proud of him!
My First Liver Match in New York Makes History!
Yitzchok Pinkesz, 25 year old father of 2 little kids, from Wisconsin, formerly from Brooklyn, NY, donated part of his liver to a mother of 4 from Monsey NY. Transplant took place on July 14th at New York Presbytarian- Columbia. .Liver donation is very risky - much more riskier then kidney donation. A brave young man he is! The hospital where he donated part of his liver, told me that this will be the first liver match in between 2 adult strangers in their state! Yitzchok first contacted me 5 years ago to donate a kidney, but was turned down, because he had one pelvic kidney, In his 2nd attempt to save a life, he succeeded! Yitzchok, grew up in New York, moved to Wisconsin, in 2013. Both Yitzchok and his kidney recipient are doing great, thank G-d! For more information on liver donation, check out the New York Presbytarian website. For the link to their website, click here. A newspaper story was written about this match,in a weekly newspaper, The Jewish Press. Story was title, "Giving While Living: Liver Donation Saves Monsey Mom".To read the story, click here.
My Kidney Match as a result of an Internet Search!
Margery Lipenski, 58 year old woman from Ithica, NY donated a kidney to Jerry Fox, 68 year old father of 3 and former public teacher from Brooklyn, NY. Margery had contacted me that she wanted to donate a kidney, after finding me on a search on the internet. Transplant took place at New York Presbytarian - Cornell on September 17th. A story about this kidney match was in the New York Post and on CBS TV News. For the New York.Post article,"This Woman Is Donating Her Kidney To Save A Complete Stranger’s Life" click here For CBS TV News story, "Upstate Woman Saves Brooklyn Man’s Life With Kidney", click here The NY Post story was also covered by Fox News.Only 2 weeks after Margery's kidney donation - she told me she felt 98% back to herself! That is so great!
Donor Saves the Life of a New York Councilman as a result of My TV interview!
Michael Tobman, a 41 year old father of 2, from Brooklyn, NY, his kidney to a former NY Councilman, Lew Fidler, also from Brooklyn. Unlike my previous kidney matches, in which donors donated a kidney to a complete stranger - Michael knew Mr. Fidler, but decided to donate a kidney to him as a result of a TV interview I did with Mr. Fidler about his needing a kidney,. which I had posted on Mr. Fidler's Facebook page. Michael didn't want to reveal himself to Mr. Fidler or anyone, until he was cleared to donate a kidney to him To view the TV interview I had with Mr.Fidler about his needing a kidney, click here To view the follow up TV news story announcing a donor has been found for Mr. Fidler, click here.
This Website Featured on the TV News!
My website here was years ago featured on a TV News station in Texas, however, is no longer on that TV station's website. I however, had taped it when it was on their website and put it on YouTube. To watch this news cast which was about my website, click here:
Radio Interview about My Kidney Donation & Kidney Matchmaking, in Israel!
I was interviewed on the Josh Hasten Show on "The Voice Of Israel." To hear this interview, titled, "It's a Match: The Good Deed Of Kidney Donations" - click here.
Kidney Donor Donates a Kidney as a result of Article written about me in a Magazine. He Then Writes a Book on Kidney Donation!
Congratulations to Rabbi Ari Sytner, father of 4 from Monsey, NY who wrote a great book on kidney donation, titled, "The Kidney Donor's Journey: 100 Questions I Asked Before
Donating My Kidney." (See cover of the book - left side of page.) To watch one of Ari's great TV interviews on his book, click here. Ari had contacted me years ago, wanting to donate a kidney as a result of reading about me in a magazine called Jewish Action. Another kidney donor knew about a mom in Israel who was in need of a kidney and asked me to find a donor for that person. So I asked Ari to donate a kidney to this woman. Transplant took place at Montefiore - New York.
My Radio Interviews on "This American Life" on NPR,
results in More Lives Being Saved! Close to 2 Million people tuned in!
Many years ago I was on 2 shows on "This American Life" on NPR. My interview resulted in numerous lives being saved and still continued to save lives after all these years! Even after years of being aired, Sophia Goode of Clinton, Washington, contacted me telling me that she donated a kidney and that she was inspired to do so, after hearing me on "This American Life!" She walked into her local hospital, started a kidney chain! The kidney chain she started, resulted in 4 lives being saved! I also had received an e-mail from MIke Koetting of a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota, who told me that he was also inspired to donate a kidney after hearing me on this same radio program! He contacted the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, offering to donate a kidney and they matched him up with someone in need. He donated a kidney And a month after he donated a kidney, he ran about 13 miles in a Marathon! Wow! My great gratitude to those involved with this NPR radio program for asking me to be on their show that helped save many lives!
My TV Interview Leads to 9 Lives Being Saved!
I was on PIX11 TV news based in New York City, in June 2014 on behalf of Torrey Green from Florida, who was about 7 years on dialysis and was in desperate need of a kidney. One of the things I mentioned in my interview, that Torrey: "he is a special person and whom ever donates a kidney to him, will be lucky" Sara Toffelli, 43 years old, of Bound Brook, NJ is one of those who responded and donated a kidney to him! To watch this TV interview that Torrey and I were initially on when he was interviewed about his needing a kidney in October 2013, click here. And here is a follow-up story on this kidney match - with Torrey and his donor that aired in June 2014. Great story! Click here NOTE: Someone else who saw my TV interview about Torrey, was inspired to donate a kidney as a result of this same TV program. She contacted me, I matched her up with someone but she wasn't a match. Instead, she started a kicney chain in which 8 people got a kidney!!! (Not mentioning her name as she wishes to remain anonymous.)
This Website Inspires a Man in Israel to Donate a Kidney!
Moshe Siegal, 49 year old father of 4 from Israel, informed me that he donated a kidney because of this website! He had contacted me through Facebook, knowing that I was in Israel and said he wanted to thank me in person! I asked why? He said because he was inspired ot donate a kidney to a stranger because of this website! How cool is that! ( I was already back in the USA when he said he wanted to meet me in person to thank me!) I don't need any thanks - was just exciting to hear!
My Donor Donates a kidney in a Kidney Swap!
A father of 2, in his 40's from New Jersey, who wishes to remain anonymous, donated a kidney in a kidney swap! He contacted me that he wanted to donate a kidney, as a result of a posting I had in a Jewish internet group seeking kidney donors! He was not a match for a dad in Illinois whom I had him test for, but donated a kidney in a kidney swap through the National Kidney Registry. And in return, the person I had him test for and wasn't a match for, got a kidney from someone elsein the swap! Swaps are the way to go for many who have a hard time finding a match! Transplant took place at Columbia Presbytarian, New York in February 2013.
Donor Contacts Me To Donate a Kidney on my Birthday & as a result of Facebook!
My first Facebook kidney match! Peter DelMasto, a 58 year old Special Ed teacher from Michigan, donated a kidney to Henry Edwards, a 71 year old man, as a result of a posting I had on one of my Facebook groups, for his recipient! When he contacted me that he wanted to donate a kidney -coincidentally it was my birthday AND his birthday! Transplant took place at New York Presbytarian - Columbia November 2012. Henry Edwards, the recipient is a close friend of Joan Rivers. See photo above on left hand side of the page - photo of the donor - Peter with his kidney recipient Henry.
Finally Gets a Donor, After Many Stories Written About Her Needing A Kidney!
Enid Wurtman, 70 years old of Israel, formerly of Philadelphia, had numerous stories written about her needing a kidney which didn't result in finding a donor. Steve, a father of 3 in his 50's, also from Israel - originally from New Jersey, saw a posting I had seeking kidney donors. And so he donated a kidney to her! Transplant took place in 2012 at Beilinson in Israel.
New Yorker Donates A Kidney While Spending a Year in Israel!
Devora Steinmetz, mother of 8, wife of a Rabbi from New York City, donated a kidney to a stranger in May 2012 to a 22 year old man from Israel! Kidney transplant was in Israel. This mother of 8, was spending a year in Israel decided to donate a kidney while there! She contacted me that she had wanted to donate a kidney after seeing a posting I had posted in an Israel internet group, seeking a donor for the person she ended up donating a kidney to.
Nurse Donates A Kidney!
Yifat Levin, a 36 year old nurse, mother of 3 from Atlanta, Georgia, donated a kidney to Lauren Gitelson, a mother of 3 from Stony Brook, NY. Transplant took place at New York Presbytarian-Cornell in January. Yifat contacted me that she wanted to donate a kidney after seeing a posting I had in a Jewish internet group! Yifat was the 2nd nurse that I had who donated a kidney!
Teacher Donates A Kidney!
Jennifer Rothstein, 39 year old teacher, mother of 2, from Cherry Hill, New Jersey, donated a kidney to a 13 year old girl form Brooklyn, New York. Article about this match was in the October 30, 2011 edition of the New York Daily News. Jennifer contacted me after seeing a posting I had in a Jewish internet group. For the article, titled, "Brooklyn Teen Sofia Manfredi Finds Kidney Match, Donor on Web" click here. Transplant took place at New York Presbytarian - Cornell, in NewYork City. This match also made the news in other newspapers as well.
Scientist Donates A Kidney!
Jessica Langer, a 40 year old scientist and mother of 3, from Highland Park, NJ, donated a kidney into a 33 year old mother of 3 from Brooklyn. Jessica donated a kidney after seeing a posting I had in a Jewish internet group. Transplant took place at Montefiore Medical Center, New York.
Mother & Son Donate A Kidney!
Marci Rapps, 57 year old mother of 4 from Israel, (who had moved there from Canada), donated a kidney to a mother of 6, who also had moved to Israel from Canada! Marci contacted me that she had wanted to donate a kidney after she saw a posting I had in a Jewish internet group in Israel, for one of 2 sisters who needed a kidney. She ended up testing for both sisters and was a match for both! Judith Abrahams, who moved to Israel from Scotland, ended up donating to the other sister! Transplant took place at Beilinson in Israel. Marci has a great modest swimwear business called MarSea Swimwear. To read Marci's great interview, "Modest Swimsuit Designer Donates Kidney to a Stranger," click here And years after Marci donated a kidney, her young son, who was the father of a baby, donated a kidney as well!
New Jersey Father of 4, Makes TV News in Israel for his Kidney Donation!
Aaron Lapp, 30 year old father of 4, from New York, (formerly of New Jersey), donated a kidney to a mother of 2 from Israel! This match was made with another kidney donor, who had asked me to find a donor for this woman. I had posted for her in a Jewish internet group seeking a kidney donor for her and Aaron responded! Transplant took place at Montefiore Medical Center, in New York. Story about his kidney donation made the news in Israel!
Another Nurse Donates a Kidney!
Judith Lowitz a 50 year old nurse of Maryland, who donated a kidney March to a woman from New York. Judith was referred to me by Lori Palatnik, another kidney donor, who's kidney match I had made! Judith did so well, thank G-d, was released from the hospital the next day! Surgery was held at New York Presbytarian hospital-Columbia, in New York. Transplant was filmed for a major TV network documentary!
Jewish Internet Group in Israel, Saves A Life!
Liba Bracha of Israel- formerly of the USA, on her kidney donation to a stranger! She donated a kidney to a father of 7. Transplant took place at Beilinson hospital in Israel. Liba Bracha contacted me that she wanted to donate a kidney,after seeing a posting I had in a Jewish Yahoo Group. Liba means beloved and Bracha means, blessing! She is a very beloved person and a blessing to society! She certainly lives up to her name!
My Kidney Matchmaker Story Ends Up on a Bulletin Board in a UK Hospital!
Someone from England told me that a story written about my kidney donation and project to help others in need of an organ, ended up being posted on the bulletin board of the kidney transplant division of the Royal Free Hospital in London to encourage more kidney donation in the UK! To read that story that ended up being posted, click here.
16 Lives Saved - Craigs List Kidney Donor is Part of This Life-Saving Story!
Patrick Duncan of Virginia, (a Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq) had asked me "What is a swap?" Then ends up donating a kidney in which was at the time the world's largest kidney swap, in which 16 people received a kidney! Patrick had contacted me after seeing my Craigs List posting for Flora, a Virginia woman who needed a kidney. Flora had very high antibodies and was very difficult to find a match for. I had asked him if he wasn't a match for her, if he can be in a swap for her at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington DC - one of the hospitals that Flora was registered with. Anyhow, Patrick didn't know anything about kidney swaps, and asked me back then, "What exactly is a kidney swap and what does it entail?" I explained to him in depth what it meant and Patrick got very interested in swaps based on the info I gave him. Anyhow, so he joined the swap that would increase Flora's chances in getting a kidney as she was difficult to match, and swaps are the way to go with people who are so difficult to match up. In the end, I also had a 2nd kidney donor in a swap program at John Hopkins Hospital in Maryland. Coincidentally, both hospitals had a swap for Flora. John Hopkins was the first hospital that contacted Flora that a match was found. Another donor I had in a swap for her at John Hopkins, Sean Mackiewicz, from South Dakota, ended up donating a kidney to someone else in the swap, so she can get a kidney! (More about that story, below.) And so I told Patrick that Flora got a kidney from someone at John Hopkins and being that I asked Patrick to be in a swap for Flora at Georgetown University Hospital, he went ahead and donated a kidney in their swap anyhow, which ended up being part of a swap in which 16 people got a kidney! Way to go, Patrick! There was a great article written about his kidney swap. To read the article, "Surgeons Swap 32 Kidneys in Largest Ever Transplant in the U.S.", click here.
Craigs List Helps Save Another Life! Man Donates in a Kidney Chain!
Sean Mackiewicz donated a kidney in a kidney chain that resulted in the woman he tested for and wasn't a match for, got a kidney. as a result! Sean was 24 years old, at the time and works in the oil fields, and is from North Dakota (formerly of Colorado) and had contacted me years ago as a result of Craigs List posting I had seeking kidney donors. I asked Sean to test for Flora, but he was not a match for her, but agreed to be in a swap for her that would increase her chances in getting a kidney. He stood by her all these years waiting for a swap to come along! He is an amazing! He was the 7th person to donate a kidney in the chain! And because of Sean's kidney donation, an 8th person received a kidney, as part of the chain! Sean is doing very well an went back to work 9 days after his kidney donation! There was a story about Sean's kidney donation, titled, "Williston Man Donates A Kidney", that was on KXNET (CBS-TV, N. Dakota), which is no longer on the web.
Mother of 10 who Adopts Downs Syndrome Children, Donates a Kidney!
Chaya Ben Baruch of Jerusalem, Israel (formerly of NY & Alaska) a mother of 10 children, donated a kidney to a father of 3 from Israel! Someone in Israel who knows Mrs. Ben Baruch, saw my posting in Israel for someone in need of a kidney and told her about it! She is an extraordinary person. She has one biological child with Down's Syndrome and adopted 3 more Down's Syndrome children abandoned at birth! She has also launched an organization in Israel called Birkat Haderech to encourage women either to keep their Down's babies, or she helps them find the babies a loving home. The organization keeps a list of families prepared to foster Down's babies, and contacts them when there is a baby in need of a home. Amazing! What a great mitzvah! Her transplant took place at Beilinson Medical Center in Israel. To hear her story about her incredible life, in her own words, click here.
Texas Man Donated a Kidney to a Stranger, As a Result of a Radio Program!
Tom O'Driscoll, of Houston Texas, donated a kidney to Carolyn Bramson., a radio producer of Los Angeles at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles. Tom contacted me that he wanted to donate a kidney, after hearing me on ''This American Life'' on NPR. My thanks to Amanda Nathan, a kidney recipient from San Antonio, Texas who accompanied Tom to Los Angeles for his kidney donation, so she can assist him during his stay at the hospital! And Amanda also arranged for Tom to stay with her relatives in Los Angeles for his recuperation! Wow! Amanda you are awesome!!! Thank you so much! Carolyn's new kidney is working great, thank G-d!
San Francisco Woman's Kidney Donation, Resulted in a Kidney Chain!
Maggie Abby, of Northern California, started a kidney chain! 3 people got a kidney as a result! Maggie had contacted me after hearing me on ''This American Life'' on NPR and had wanted to donate a kidney. We met when she first came to New York, and she is awesome! So humble and so sweet! Anyhow, since she took a full time job she decided to donate locally and walked into a hospital and ended up starting a kidney chain! Wow! To see a video of this amazing person and read about her kidney donation, ''How This American Life, Saved A Life'', click here
Mother of 9 & Mother of 12, Saves Lives as a Result of a Yahoo Group!
Chaya L., of Jerusalem Israel, donated a kidney to a mother of 12! Chaya L. had seen my posting I had in a Yahoo group about this mother of 12 who needed a kidney. And Leah W., a mother of 12, also of Jerusalem, donated a kidney to a father of 2 as a result of my posting in a Jewish Yahoo Group! I had made both their kidney matches.
Woman Donates a Kidney as a Result of a Flier Hung Up in a Store!
Leah S. of Brooklyn, NY mother of young kids, donated a kidney to a father of 7! Leah had seen a flyer I had put up for someone who was in need of a kidney. This flyer was in a printing store in Brooklyn, That was an old flyer, and that person had already had a kidney transplant. Leah ended up donating a kidney to someone else. She was supposed to donate a kidney years ago to her mother - but her mother had died before she was able to donate a kidney to her. G-d bless Leah for doing a wonderful thing in her mother's memory!
Radio Program results in 7 Lives Being Saved!
Jordan Brough a father of a 1 year old boy donated a kidney and started a kidney chain as a result of hearing me on "This American Life" on NPR! Jordan decided to walk into a hospital offering to donate a kidney to anyone! And that resulted in a 14 person people getting a kidney! For the story, "The Chain Of Life: "Kidney Exchange Pools Doctors, Donors, Recipients" click here for part 1 and click here for part 2. In this newspaper story, Jordan had mentioned that he heard me on the radio & inspired him to donate a kidney!
Radio Program Results in Another Kidney Donation!
Nancy Murrell of Pittsburgh, PA, donated a kidney to Anthony Cottman, of Brooklyn, NY. ! I had made Nancy's kidney match. Nancy contacted that she wanted to donate a kidney after hearing me on "This American Life" on NPR. A story about this match, was mentioned on a TV interview I did, titled, "Kidney Matchmaker." To see this TV story, click here.
Kidney Drive!
There was an article on August 4th, 2009, on an ABC-TV website, titled "I Gave Away My Kidney" which was about a woman in Scotland who said she donated a kidney after hearing a radio appeal asking for living kidney donors. Way back then I wrote, "Hmm. I like this idea of a "Kidney Drive", as I interpreted it. If this can happen in Scotland - why not in the USA!
I posted the above statement on my website regarding this article and the idea of a Kidney Drive not long after the article came out in 2009. I had also e-mailed this article with “Kidney Drive” on the subject line to an organization that I know and also e-mailed it that same day, to a kidney transplant coordinator and surgeon at a hospital I am very friendly with. Kind of e-mailed it as a hint. A kidney drive sounded like a nice idea. Anyhow, about 6 weeks later, this organization had their first kidney drive! Lives are being saved as a result. This organization does not want to be well known. Hopefully though, other organizations will follow. And not just organizations, how about places of worship? So this can be great for those who have a hard time finding a match, and in particular those who don't have family members to test for them or anyone eligible to be in a swap for them - to have a kidney drive!
Thank you for visiting my website! Click on the "Contact" page & feel free to contact me, Chaya Lipschutz, whether you want to donate a kidney, liver, or need more info!
RADIO SHOW Saves A Life!
Mike Koetting of Minnesota donated a kidney altruistically. He said he was inspired to donate a kidney as a result of hearing Chaya's interview on a radio program on NPR!

A Rabbi's posted Chaya's posting on Facebook about a woman needing a kidney. Vicky Haber, mother o f 3 from Colorado ended up seeing this posting & donated a kidney to Rachel. On the right, is Vicky.

Saves A Life!
Margery Lipensky of New York, was looking to donate a kidney & found Chaya on the internet. she made her match.

Rabbi, Father of 9, Donates A Kidney!
Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman, Rabbi of a Synagogue, Principal & EMT, donated a kidney to a stranger. Chaya made his kidney match.

results in 3 lives saved!
Maggie Abby, of California, started a kidney chain after hearing Chaya on the radio program, on NPR. Left, is Maggie with Chaya.

Rabbi Ari Sytner, father of 4 from New York, who is also a social worker, had responded to Chaya's posting seeking to donate a kidney. She made his match. Below, is book he wrote!

written by Chaya's Kidney Donor - Rabbi Ari Sytner! See photo above of Rabbi who wrote this book!

Chaya Ben Baruch, mother of 9 from Israel, (former NY residence,) donated a kidney to a stranger,. Chaya made her kidney match.

E-MAIL posting
Saves A life!
Lori Palatnik, a mother of 5 from Maryland, donated a kidney as a result of Chaya's e-mail posting! Lori, on the left, with Chaya.

KIDNEY DONOR inspires another to donate!
Ruth Schlossman, from Israel donated a kidney as a result of kidney donor Lori Palatnick! Chaya made both matches.

saves a life!
Jen Rothstein contacted Chaya after seeing a posting in a Yahoo group seeking kidney donors. Chaya made her match.

as a result of Radio Show!
Karen Glover of Massachussets, donated a kidney altruistically after hearing Chaya's interview on an NPR radio program.

Donated a kidney as a result of Craigs List!
Debbie Dunn of Utah, saw Chaya's posting on Craigs List, but wasn't a match for the person she had matched her up with. She ended up donating a kidney altruistically at her local hospital.
Sophia Goode, of Washington started a kidney chain - 5 people ended up getting a kidney! She was inspired to donate after hearing Chaya on a radio show on NPR.

DOCTOR Donates a Kidney to patient!
Dr. Rita McGill, a nephrologist, donated a kidney to her patient Dan Case!

Chaya speaking at a Kidney Disease and Organ
Transplantation Forum at a Public School, Brooklyn,
NY, November 30, 2006
Click here for the speech Chaya gave at this event in which she ells the story about her kidney donation.

Rabbi, Father of 9, DOUBLE ORGAN DONOR!
Family photo of double organ donor, Rabbi Eprhraim Simon, of Teaneck, NJ who donated both his kidney & liver. Chaya made both of his organ matches.

Husband & Wife Donate A Kidney!
Sherry & Mike Whisler of Iowa, with Mike's kidney recipient.

72 Year Old California woman donated a kidney to a stranger!

63 year old DOUBLE organ donor!
Debbie Serrao of California, donated a kidney at the age of 61 & 70% part of her liver at age 63!

Chaya Lipschutz with former NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Divorced, mother of 5, Liza Porat, from Maryland, donated kidney to a NY woman, as a result of Jewish Listserv/E-mail group! .Chaya made this match.

Dr. Alexsandra Gmurczyk of Chidago, a Neprhologist donated a kidney in a chain which resulted in her patient receiving a kidney!
Chaya Lipschutz at her booth promoting kidney donation at an Expo in NYC.